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Text Ape

Text Ape

Get YouTube video summaries and transcripts in 1 click.

Text Ape

Text Ape is a Chrome extension for YouTube video summaries and transcripts. The tool is useful for people watching YouTube Videos for research, exam preparation, creating content and more. It works with long from and short form videos. The full list of features includes: video summaries, timestamp navigation, community comments review, full transcripts, shareable summary links, multiple languages support (soon), PDF and Google docs exports (soon).

Visit Text Ape


Text Ape is a Chrome extension for YouTube video summaries and transcripts. The tool is useful for people watching YouTube Videos for research, exam preparation, creating content and more. It works with long from and short form videos. The full list of features includes: video summaries, timestamp navigation, community comments review, full transcripts, shareable summary links, multiple languages support (soon), PDF and Google docs exports (soon).

Key Features

  • video summaries, timestamp navigation, Community comments review, full transcripts, shareable summary links, multiple languages support (soon), PDF and Google docs exports (soon)





Source:Closed Source